Southern Fried Fun

After sketching several musicians at Will's Pub, I went outside to sketch. I walked across the street to Wally's Mills Avenue Liquors. Beside the pub, the Psycho City Derby Girls were offering a bikini car wash. As the car was washed by the lovely ladies the driver could get a free beer while they waited. Unfortunately the suds were not flying when I walked by. A woman sat in a dunk tank waiting to drop in the cool water. I finally sat in a parking space behind Wally's facing the Hula Hoopers. Two women were busy for more than an hour shaking their hips and keeping the hoops in motion. They could raise the hoops up to their chest and neck then settle it down to their hips again. At times children joined in. This physical activity was no match for the games to be found on a smart phone.

One fellow who was about to back his car out of a spot said, "Hey I like your ride, Is that a compact?" "Yes, it saves on gas." I replied. We were of course talking about my camping stool which was hogging a parking spot. Some folks who had been drinking noticed me working. My sketches really seem to appeal to folks who have a buzz going. The husband of one of the Hula Hoopers thankfully appreciated my sketch. He also loved that I caught his daughter playing video games on her phone. It was getting near the end of the day and the light was golden. A tent was struck down and I packed up my supplies. From here I headed out to the Food Truck Bazaar for dinner.


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